Ann Purser

 Ann Purser 's Books

A very well recieved series by Ann Purser are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Warning at One, Murder on Monday lm-1, Lois Meade 14 - Suspicion at Seven, Lois Meade 03: Weeping on Wednesday (1987), The Wild Wood Enquiry, Terror on Tuesday lm-2, Fear on Friday, The Hangman's Row Enquiry, Weeping on Wednesday lm-3, The Measby Murder Enquiry, A Tangled Web, Threats at Three, Tragedy at Two, Theft on Thursday, The Sleeping Salesman Enquiry, Lois Meade 01: Murder on Monday (EN, 2002), Foul Play at Four, Secrets on Saturday, 14 Suspicion at Seven, Lois Meade 02; Terror on Tuesday, 7 Sorrow on Sunday, which was published in 2022.